Advanced PCB Assembly Topics
ESD Susceptibility
If you’ve ever purchased any bare electronics (and judging by the fact that you’ve landed on this page, you probably have), then you’ll have heard about a little something called electrostatic discharge (ESD). While you may know what this is, few understand just how bad ESD is for your electronics. And even though these discharges cannot be completely eliminated, there are important steps that can be taken to protect your electronics.
Electromagnetic Testing
If a device, whether intentionally radiating or not, is encroaching into certain bands and creating interference, there can be serious performance issues and legal consequences. It is essential to understand the concept of electromagnetic interference (EMI), know what the conformance tests for your market entail, and see if your products require them. These tests will ensure that your products have achieved electromagnetic conformance (EMC).
Environment and PCBs
We assume that PCBs are made to endure all types of environments. However, unless designed and manufactured appropriately for its specific situation, the environment can shorten the life of a PCB. By taking careful and adequate precautions, it is possible to keep the longevity of a PCB’s life and keep the system operational even in the harshest environments. Learn what you need to know about combatting the effects of the environment on PCBs.