May 15, 2019

3 Great Tips to Improve Your PCB Assembly Process

Printed circuit boards (PCB) are essential in just about every industry across the globe. These devices mechanically support and connect electronic (or electric) components using conductive tracks, pads, and other features etched from a sheet layer (or multiple sheet layers) of copper laminate.

PCBs can be single-sided (one copper layer), double-sided (two copper layers on both sides), or multi-layer (outer and inner layers of copper). Since these devices are so crucial, the Global Single Sided Printed Circuit Board Market Analysis Report shows that the entire PCB market will likely reach $79 billion by 2024.

When it comes to PCB assembly, though the simplest electronic devices are relatively easy to design, it can be very difficult to create a functioning board.

Here are a few excellent tips that will help you throughout the entire PCB assembly process:

  • Work with professional circuit board assembly services — You need to consult a professional PCB assembler throughout the entire process in order to achieve a quality final product. Around 53% of Aberdeen Group survey respondents said their top PCB design problem to solve was increasing product complexity — that’s where professionals come in! Your PCB assembler can offer suggests on effective PCB design, educate you on new materials and production techniques, and help you understand some new PCB industry trends.
  • Make sure all your labels are correct — If your labels aren’t consistent or make sense, you’re going to have a lot of problems throughout the assembly process. Make sure you’re double-checking all the markings on your design documents and on each one of the components. Even though your assembler will handle the majority of the design, they’ll still need to know your plans — correctly labeling everything will certainly help.
  • Select the correct package size — Again, you need to remain in contact with your PCB designer and assembler in order to have a functioning board. If you’re unsure about what size capacitor and resistor you should use, simply ask a professional PCB designer and assembler for a recommendation.

If you want to work with experienced and professional PCB assembly services, give Advanced Assembly a try.

If you have any questions about the steps we take in our PCB manufacturing process, don’t hesitate to give Advanced Assembly a call at (800) 838-5650.

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